[ANN] Medipass New Service.
18 Feb 2022, 06:00
📮 [ANN] Medipass New Service
MediPass launched a service that allows patients in the general management group of COVID-19 on a home treatment system to check local hospitals in real-time for phone counseling and prescriptions.
Same news in other sources
218 Feb 2022, 06:01
📮 [ANN] 메디패스 신규 기능 추가
메디패스가 코로나 19 확진자 중 일반관리군 재택치료자가 전화 상담 및 처방을 받을 수 있는 주변 병의원을 실시간으로 찾고 확인할 수 있는 서비스를 오픈하였습니다. 지금 확인하기 👉https://t.co/33KWzNMMh9
[ANN] 메디패스 신규 기능 추가. 메디패스가 코로나 19 확진자 중 일반관리군 재택치료자가 전화 상담 및 처방을 받을 수 있는 주변 병의원을 실시간으로 찾고 확인할 수 있는 서비스를 오픈하였습니다. 지금 확인하기.
📮 [ANN] 메디패스 신규 기능 추가
메디패스가 코로나 19 확진자 중 일반관리군 재택치료자가 전화 상담 및 처방을 받을 수 있는 주변 병의원을 실시간으로 찾고 확인할 수 있는 서비스를 오픈하였습니다. 지금 확인하기 👉https://t.co/33KWzNMMh9
18 Feb 2022, 06:00
📮 [ANN] Introducing Medipass New Service
Hello, this is the MediPass team.
Recently, the government has been securing room for home treatment management due to the characteristics of the Omicron variant and the prevalence of asymptomatic and mild patients. As a result, the home treatment monitoring system was reorganized, and as of February 10, home treatment patients in the general management group can be consulted and prescribed prescriptions over the phone through local hospitals.
In response, MediPass has launched a home treatment service that allows patients in the general management group under home treatment among COVID-19 patients to review information about local hospitals that offer phone counseling and prescriptions in an easier and more convenient way.
See more 👉
[ANN] Introducing Medipass New Service. Hello, this is the MediPass team.
📮 [ANN] Introducing Medipass New Service
Hello, this is the MediPass team.
Recently, the government has been securing room for home treatment management due to the characteristics of the Omicron variant and the prevalence of asymptomatic and mild patients. As a result, the home treatment monitoring system was reorganized, and as of February 10, home treatment patients in the general management group can be consulted and prescribed prescriptions over the phone through local hospitals.
In response, MediPass has launched a home treatment service that allows patients in the general management group under home treatment among COVID-19 patients to review information about local hospitals that offer phone counseling and prescriptions in an easier and more convenient way.
See more 👉 https://bit.ly/3I3ed96